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Mix Media Hyper Culture s02e01

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 11:21 am
by Mina
Featuring Blissphemy, Kyesos & MinkyMina :)

A cyber-cultivated, free, open-minded and totally interwebed video show, made with pixels, interviews and an awesome soundtrack ;)

Re: Mix Media Hyper Culture s02e01

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 11:35 am
by Kyesos
French audio, and now it's subbed in english ! WOAAAOOOOW !!! <3

Re: Mix Media Hyper Culture s02e01

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 11:56 am
by SNM
Kyesos wrote:French audio, and now it's subbed in english ! WOAAAOOOOW !!! <3

seriously, finding the proper working method/flow, for doing the subtitles, took just about as long as writing the soundtrack of the entire production.

@Kyesos, Your interview/symposium was especially hard to translate,.. let me know what u think about the job we did expressing your thoughts into another language.


Re: Mix Media Hyper Culture s02e01

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:53 pm
by Cheomap
oh finally!!! where's season one? i'd like to see Beau get interviewed in English, but have a French dub over it.... But the french guy who does the dub should have a super deep voice... then, when you put in the English subtitles, it should be done in really bad English... [crazy]

Re: Mix Media Hyper Culture s02e01

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 12:35 am
by Cheomap
Great job.. i'm very impressed. fantastic content and views. done very proper.. only thing i'd do is fire the guy who made the intro and outro music.... sucks. *ahahaha, just kidding... i loved it all. i just hated that i had to read instead of watching the visuals.. just another dumb American from Jersey .. minus the Guido motif

Re: Mix Media Hyper Culture s02e01

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:35 am
by Mina
Thank you Cheo!!!!!

I'm very happy you enjoy it, it's a sort-of hard idea I have in mind, about talking HOW enjoy the New Techs. I'm studying this phenomenon since many years now, and most of the writings and shows about it talk about what we DO, not how and why. What does it change in our everyday behavior, what does it changes in our methods, life, way of learning and think...

Only some psycho and socio studies about "geeks" or so called "Y generation" have been made by people who aren't inside the movement, wich results are a disaster : the main subjects are the dangers of de-socialisation due to the New Techs use (internet or games), the differences between men and women in this domain, the problems due to the young people or children using New Techs (bad sleep, pr0n, illegal DL), etc...
I want to show, to "testimony" about what's really happening, who, how, and why. I still have so many subjects to talk about <3

I have also subbed s01e01 ::

Re: Mix Media Hyper Culture s02e01

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:48 pm
by Cheomap
very very impressive.... you're like a Neo Lain

Re: Mix Media Hyper Culture s02e01

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:12 pm
by verdroid
nice graphics, liked the person that transforms to a robot :)