Hi folks. Since years i've been blown away by the fibonnaci sequence.
For those who don't know: it's a sequence were you add up the last 2 numbers. Like:
That's cool, even cooler is the fact it's in nature too. Plants, sunflowers, pineapples, snails have sort of this fibonnaci sequence. Look it up, just google
When you devide the numbers, you'll get repeated sequences, depending on the number you use to devide.
In art, fibonnaci is also great, if you think of it, it's just infinity in both ways
I would love, to make an artwork of music and graphics with you guys. Making probably the greatest piece of artwork ever :-) [sounds overrated :-D i know]
Musical, (that's what i personally know) i can think of repeated sequences, rolling drums (1,1,2,3,5,8,...), note placements influenced by Fib, ... i actually have yet to brainstorm this matter myself how i would involve this into music.
So, hopefully this idea interested you. If so, let it know below and discuss