I am happy someone enjoyed the comp enough to listen to it in its entirety and make their own review, be it of their own opinion or not, its still great to know that people are listening outside our "circle" and talking up the album. This is a bonus in my honest opinion. And if I remember "Gut" means good in German :)
Everyone is not going to like all our tracks, this is the fun part about a label compilation, there will be something on it (Hopefully) that everyone can appreciate and enjoy listening to. As long as a MockRadar release has people talking I think we have all done our jobs well as artist's.
My personal opinion is that every track was solid and good in its own regard and that each artist did an excellent job with the continuity aspect of the release. Of course I have some personal favorites that I prefer, but in all there is not a track on this release that I don't thoroughly enjoy listening to, especially I think that this release is best taken as a whole listening experience, in its original order. For me the album would not be complete without all its counterparts. And when I listen to this (often I might add) its always from start to finish. And I always end it with a big smile on my face. I'm really proud of this release, as should we all be. It is footing EPIC ! And everyone did a bang up job I think, I just cant wait for the next one!