Musical Chairs ~ A/V Game

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Re: Musical Chairs ~ A/V Game

Postby verdroid » Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:56 pm

Who's in charge? where does it come from? am i trippin'?
Fuck yeah, were on this sick train and i'm hanging in front of it: Head First [dirol]
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Re: Musical Chairs ~ A/V Game

Postby verdroid » Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:14 pm

"The winning track will be selected by the creative use of sounds supplied, and relevance of the track to the image"

am i dreaming or did i hear something like exposing the pictures somewhere? with music? if so, where that is?
should we put bounderies? like: should we make proper cinematic movie stuff? or can we go all the way 4/4 + more, better and harder in between? as long as it's related to the artwork ofcourse...

i know lot's of questions...
wanna look in my head? here you go...

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Re: Musical Chairs ~ A/V Game

Postby Vojeet » Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:15 am

My head looks the same. [biggrin]
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Re: Musical Chairs ~ A/V Game

Postby Mina » Tue Mar 19, 2013 11:15 am

Ahahahah !!!! Teasing is w3rkin' !

OK, let's go guys!!

So round 2.
Each team has made a pack of sounds for his image.
Team "Blood Taste", image 1
Players : Verdroid, G-Orendo, elokwenz
Team "Insectoïd", image 2
Players : intactrods, SNM
Team "Jingle Legs", image 3
Players : Vojeet, Cheomap, Mina

Time to... switch the chairs ! Every team is gonna switch image and sounds with another ... and make a track from this pack, about another image :)

Team Blood Taste ---> send your pack to team Insectoïd
Team Insectoïd ---> send your pack to team Jingle Legs
Team Jingle Legs ---> send your pack to team Blood Taste

So now, Team Blood Taste will be in charge of making a track for image 3 (previously the one of Jingle Legs), with the pack given by team Jingle Legs.
Team Insectoïd will have the sound pack of team Blood Taste, and make the track with it about image 1 (the one that was chosen by team Blood Taste to make the pack).
Team Jingle Legs is gonna receive the pack from team Insectoïd, and make a track about image 2.

Each person in your group who has gathered the sounds will take contact with the team they have to give their sounds to : upload your pack on (or another place, as you feel), and send a message to give the link to the team you have to, you will receive a message with a link for your sound from the other team.
(I hope it's clear, I try to write it in different ways for it to be understood by all).

I write it again one last time :
Players : Verdroid, G-Orendo, elokwenz send your sounds to Players : intactrods, SNM
Players : intactrods, SNM send your sounds to Players : Vojeet, Cheomap, Mina
Players : Vojeet, Cheomap, Mina send your sounds to Players : Verdroid, G-Orendo, elokwenz

Players : Verdroid, G-Orendo, elokwenz will still be named team Blood Taste, and make a track for image 3, with the sounds of Players : Vojeet, Cheomap, Mina (team Jingle Legs) ....

So each team keep the same name, but switches sound packs and images :)

Now the goal for you is gonna be to make a track that fits the best the new contents given.
You are (of course) obliged to use the sounds that are in the pack you've been given - but you can distort them as much as you want.
You cannot use any sound of the pack you have made and send.
You can add new sounds to the pack given.
Several ppl can make the track, or several parts, or one makes the first draw, another changes it, etc... There is no limitation to your imagination when it comes to your ways of making this all together.
Make a track that fits the best your (new) image :: that's one of the criteria to win the game.

I'm not sure I have to give a deadline to the next and last step... but let's say 2 weeks minimum, 1 month BIG MAX.

Ready to keep goin' on playin?
Let's go!

Love and light to you all.
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Re: Musical Chairs ~ A/V Game

Postby verdroid » Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:36 pm

cool turning, i tought like 3% this was gonna turn out this way. gonna sent this pack right away... [smiley_1131]

idk about elokwenz tough. every time i try to reach him, he doesn't answer.
i'll have to draw pictures to explain what's happening and he didn't come up with any samples
i'm seriously considering to kick him out of the game...i'm getting pissed. [diablo]
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Re: Musical Chairs ~ A/V Game

Postby verdroid » Tue Mar 19, 2013 1:09 pm

[diablo] now give me those jingle legs samples goddammit!!! [diablo] i'll forward the link to my team [dirol] woop wooop wooooop, too much cafeine today, so excited [clapping]

[sitelogo] [stone] [sitelogo] [stone] [sitelogo] [stone] [sitelogo] [stone] [sitelogo] [stone] [sitelogo]

bloodtaste pack sent to SNM with request to forward to intactrods, unless you give me your e-mail [mik]
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Re: Musical Chairs ~ A/V Game

Postby Mina » Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:03 pm

Glad to see you excited Kay!! BTW, IDK what's with ppl who say OK to get involved into something and then when it comes to do it... no one :O and it's becoming more and more ppl in various very different projects I have, including those I'm not the one to rule. I mean, every body's got a life and things to do, it's not about not being able to do it... but at least answer and explain... wtf...
This is why I love you guys and our community so much! We make take more time than we tough sometimes but at least, we are here!

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Re: Musical Chairs ~ A/V Game

Postby SNM » Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:05 pm

Got it Kay, still a little busy with Yves release but I'll get to this tonight for sure. I'm interested to see what you guys came up with should be fun to try and manipulate your samples I know I'm in for a challenging venture as our styles are so dissimilar this should be quite the good time [biggrin]
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Re: Musical Chairs ~ A/V Game

Postby Vojeet » Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:33 pm

Kay, you will get our sounds on Thursday or Friday.
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Re: Musical Chairs ~ A/V Game

Postby verdroid » Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:18 pm

Vojeet wrote:Kay, you will get our sounds on Thursday or Friday.

[crazy] owkay, i will stare at my inbox till then...just kidding, i know you're busy
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