Loops drops...

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Loops drops...

Postby Kyesos » Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:24 am

I don't know if as I you use to laugh a little when you're named as musician (well, damn no: I'm not Prince ;)) but I'm quite sure near all of you have pre-works you never ended or pieces of notes in loops you never really used...

That's why I'm thinking that dropping some of your loops to others could be a very constructive collaboration ^__^.

I've got some to share, mainly of really low quality but the noizz is here. If people agree, I think I'll drop some via http://www.sendspace.com or any similar service through links I should post here. (can't do it now : not home for some days)

(advices are welcome ^^)
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Re: Loops drops...

Postby SNM » Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:39 am

Excellent Idea!

options for upload would be sharesite's like sendspace megaupload etc..having an account on such sites is good too because of the DL limitations, most will expire after the file has been DL'd so many times. On the other hand archive.org will host ur shyt forever... we could maybe open a MR sample library just for such samps,.. It would be a great jump off for a MR collab album sort of like the "Unofficial Alumni" release http://soundcloud.com/unofficial-alumni

send me some links to your sounds guys, and Ill set us up a package of all the collected material

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Re: Loops drops...

Postby Cheomap » Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:58 pm

Yeah.. good idea. a collective of sounds and loops you never really did anything with, but wanted to.
i've got a bunch like that. we should set a collection start - finish date per pack, then just host it somewhere - like snm said... maybe a file sharing or just archive.org..... but label it something like: "fourthgrade algebra class", as to hide it from sucka sample whores. haha
could be a monthly/ every two month type collection, & we'd have a couple of nice MR sample packs for us to play with. [clapping]
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Re: Loops drops...

Postby Alojzy Kowalczyk » Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:00 pm

Cheomap wrote:but label it something like: "fourthgrade algebra class", as to hide it from sucka sample whores. haha

Or we could share a Dropbox folder! But that'd probably get filled up pretty fuckin' fast, unless all of us pay for extra space.
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